Culture of life quality

Culture of life quality

A society creates human individuality and individuals create a society.

When it comes to life quality it is directly related to correspondence or lack of correspondence of life to personal and external requirements. The world around us shapes the culture of quality of a person before his birth. A society creates human individuality and individuals create a society. The same refers to the culture of quality. To live a really high quality life we ought to consider its all components and factors. To understand the concept look at the picture below. It shows a cycle shaping the culture of quality. The important idea to understand is the quality culture defines a person’s ability to manage the quality of his life and change it for the better.

Obviously, the quality culture does not depend on gender, age, religious beliefs, race, nationality and social status of a human being. If someone sits on a chair with a protruding nail, nobody will like it. We all understand the quality of goods and services the same way irrespective of groups we belong to and our differences.

Understanding a person and his life in terms of quality allows managing the quality of life efficiently and achieving goals. Thus, improving a certain area of life, for example, financial situation, a person can easily lose family, friends, health etc.

How to be efficient not trying to solve financial issues by any means, stepping over yourself and the law? How not to become a slave to money and not to develop rationality growing into greed? True, it is easy to talk about it for anyone who is not burdened with bank accounts. One should set financial goals and reach them just as spiritual ones. At the same time, the formula of Margaret Mitchell’s heroine Scarlett in “Gone with the wind” is hardly acceptable: never be poor whatever it costs. Scarlett said: “God is my witness, I’d rather steal or kill, but I will not starve!” Is it faith in God? So says Homo sapiens but not Homo qualitativus, who in the first place is rich spiritually. At the same time Homo qualitativus should not be poor financially. The question is about the purpose and means, i.e. whether needs justify deeds, has no a straightforward answer. Everything depends on our internal and external state. However, we must always remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Availability of financial resources appears to be a factor of freedom of choice if handled properly: what to eat, what to wear, what to do, where to work and where to go on holiday, and, most importantly, to create, improve oneself and the world around and help people. In addition, money is an essential source for ensuring survival of yourself and your loved ones in emergency situations. This will be so as long as commodity-money-relations exist. Perhaps, one day it goes into the past and “The Diary of High Quality Life” turns into a tool for self-improvement, self-development and turns a person into a creator of the living knowledge.

The objectives for each component of the quality of human life and organization should be defined clearly. We all know the examples, when not very gifted children and their parents set goals, worked hard and achieved outstanding results. Remember the success story of Irina Rodnina, the repeated Olympic Champion. There are many other equally striking examples and stories about the people who surround us in everyday life. Many prominent people of the past, for instance, the violinist Paganini and his father, and our contemporaries set goals, worked hard and reached perfection. The same refers to businesses. Thus, the Japanese company Toyota catches up and is ready to overtake the world leader in automotive industry the US General Motors in production and sales of cars, because their goal is to be the best in their business and improve constantly. The Toyota has its own tools, philosophy of quality required for success – the Toyota way. The Japanese implement the Russian principle “the slower you go the further you get”, the so called Kaizen. It implies constant improvement step by step. This principle is easily applicable to both personal and professional life. Improve yourself by 0.1% a day and you improve yourself by 1000% in ten years, says Brian Tray. This way he helped to improve life to 2 million people in 25 countries around the world. Why don’t we create our own philosophy of life quality and increase the quality of our personal culture?

The only issue is one has to know what and how to improve, and most importantly, the reason for improvement. For example, if we look at income, sometimes 10 years pass and the level of income remains the same at the best case. If take into account inflation, we all know about, and if we do not, the prices in shops will teach us, our revenue has not increased a thousand times. When talking about income we imply the income of those 80% of people whose earnings are not very high, once established empirically by Pareto, whiles 20% of the world population concentrated 80% of all material and financial resources. The Pareto principle 20%/80% is very important for us. For instance, solving only 20% of our problems we will get 80% of the result. The task is to detect the 20% and act.

A person has to determine what undesirable events are, how to prevent and minimize their consequences and avoid their recurrence. Basing on his own assessment of his internal and external circumstances, he should learn to foresee the future, formulate “SMART” goals, plan and create a successful trajectory of his personal and professional life. And “The Diary of High Quality Life” will help you.

The concept of the diary is based upon the philosophy of marketing quality management. Creating guidance for life quality based on the diary, Homo sapiens gradually measures its culture of quality and transforms into Homo qualitativus. In turn, formation of a man of such type carries a conscious social evolution and maintains the human race in the age of rapid changes, caused by the effects of changing technological structures in the economy and climate change. Managing the quality of life Homo sapiens evolves, shows the characteristics of Homo qualitativus more often and longer. He is able to preserve human attitude in any situation and not turn into a human-machine or a human – mutant as a result of scientific-and-technological advance and the development of genetic engineering.



Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149BC), the word cultura was first mentioned in his treatise on agriculture De Agricultura (around 160BC).
Culture (from the Latin verb colo, colere – cultivation, later – upbringing, education, development, respect) is a concept that has many meanings in various spheres of human activity. Culture is a subject of study of philosophy, culture, history, art studies, linguistics (ethno linguistics), political science, ethnology, psychology, economics, pedagogic etc.
Basically, the term culture understands human activity in its various manifestations, including all forms and ways of human self-expression and self-understanding, skills accumulated by a human being and a society. Culture appears to be the expression of human subjectivity and objectivity (personality, competence, skills and knowledge).
Culture is a set of sustainable forms of human activity, without which it cannot reproduce and exist.
Culture is a set of codes that impose certain behavior to a human being, typical feelings and thoughts, and therefore influence him.
Human activity, knowledge and creativity consider being the sources of origin of culture.

Material from Wikipedia – free encyclopedia.