“Do not accept a defect, do not produce a defect, do not pass along a defect”
The very sign of a quality person is that he has a culture of quality, which he uses in his life and tries to instill it in his surroundings. How many people died because of bad roads, poor-quality products, missed planes, houses built at random? And how many people suffered from a simple human “maybe”? All these actions are peculiar to reasonable man, despite his “mind”. A quality person always thinks about the consequences of his actions, even the most insignificant, because our life is made up of small particles.
The slogan “I do not accept accept a defect, I do not produce a defect, I do not not pass along a defect” is posted at the plant of the famous brand “Toyota”. These are the three main components of the principle of “built-in quality” or else the principle of “3No”. Often a defect occurs for many reasons, and sometimes independent of us, the main thing is to exclude its use as intended, in order to avoid undesirable events. Redo goods, destroy it or apply where it will benefit. That is what a quality man does. Because “quality is the degree of compliance of the inherent characteristics of a product or service with the requirements for its intended use or receipt”.
“The blessing of people and peace on Earth, the safety of the planet and the triumph of the“ kingdom of reason ”is the business of everyone and everyone,” said once a Soviet scientist, thinker and public figure, academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.
“A quality person does not harm himself and the people around him and cares for the environment,” says the doctrine of Homo Qualitativus (quality man), however, at certain moments, a quality man sacrifices himself, and not only hurts himself, but gives his life by doing duty.
Even if we all do not accept, do, and transfer defects, various disasters can occur in the world around us that are independent of us, and it cannot be argued that this will save the world. The doctrine of quality man takes into account these nuances. Unfortunately, defects will always be like a disaster. The question is what a person will do with these undesirable events and their consequences. A quality person always applies preventive and corrective actions, trying to avoid a repetition of these events and eliminate the cause of their occurrence.
The need for a new kind of person who will cultivate in himself and others a sense of responsibility for himself and other creatures, love for the Motherland and our planet, cultivate in himself a culture of quality that is capable of creation and care, has been talked about for a long time. However, few people thought about how to do this. The simplest rule is to start with yourself, because it is in your power, and only you can prevent undesirable events for yourself and your close ones.
“Quality starts with each of us! ”
We complain about poor-quality goods, services, bad roads, the poor quality of service, education, medicine, and who makes these goods and provides these services? It is us – our parents, children, colleagues, brothers, sisters, neighbors, compatriots, residents of the planet Earth. Do we want a qualitatively new life for ourselves, our loved ones, in Russia and in the world?
Peace, Good, Love, Health, Well-being and Prosperity to you and your family! Long years of quality life!
Sincerely, Chukmarov Ildus.
Image: “The Bungler” Igor Ivanovich Simonov, 1953