Reflections on quality. What is quality?
In one window looked two. One saw rain and mud.
Another – foliage green ligature, spring and blue sky.
In one window looked two.
Omar Khayyam
Each of us wants to receive high-quality goods and services, however, perceives the concept of “quality” in its own way. At the same time, any person clearly feels the lack of good quality. Everyone wants a long life of quality. Moreover, each in his own way understands what quality of life is for him, whereas it is equally clear to everyone when their quality of life deteriorates. The concept of “quality” has always been present in our lives. We know that quality is high or low, good or bad.
So what is quality? And why do we need to deal with this concept?
Many thinkers tried to answer this question. The concept of “quality” was first studied by Aristotle in the III. BC. He defined quality as the difference between objects on the basis of “good — bad.” Hegel wrote that something ceases to be what it is when it loses its quality. Schuhart believed that quality consists of objective physical characteristics and the subjective side of their perception. Ishikawa argued that quality is a property that satisfies consumers. But even the ancient people in their own way understood that there is quality and passed from mouth to mouth the best solutions for the manufacture of tools, methods of hunting, determination and collection of useful plants, home improvement, etc.There are a great many definitions of “quality” in modern philosophical, economic, explanatory and other encyclopedic dictionaries, and they are difficult to reach even for people with higher education, which makes such definitions completely useless for understanding what quality is in our lives. At the everyday level, quality does not require determination, everyone is equally cold in summer clothes and hot in winter clothes in summer, everyone is equally hungry without food and we all feel thirsty without water, and, of course, everyone equally needs air to breathe. These are facts, not their description, as is often the case in history. This is true and it is one, as well as tolerance is one for all, and not everyone has their own.
The criterion of quality is our sensations, which arise as a result of the subjective perception of objective reality. This means that sensations are not controlled by us. The question is, how do we manage what forms those or other sensations. To change our attitude towards events or things, or to shape events and things that cause our sensations that meet our requirements and contribute to our satisfaction.
Thus, it becomes clear that forms our feelings are closely related to meeting our requirements and the degree of our satisfaction. Then the definition of the concept of “quality” in the international quality standard is, in my opinion, the most successful and can be the basis for determining the quality and standard of living. For the purpose of this article is to arrive at the definition of concepts useful for improvements in our lives. When we want a better life, i.e. high quality and standard of living, requires the definition of the concept of “quality” in general and its components. We need to control the objective reality that gives us the required sensations. The World Health Organization (WHO) does not define “quality,” however, immediately defines “quality of life” as “the individual’s perception of his position in life in the context of the culture and value system in which the individual lives, and in connection with goals, expectations, standards and interests of the individual. ” In addition, WHO recommends questionnaires for measuring the quality of life and determines its components. Understanding quality in general makes it possible to more accurately determine the components of quality of life and the factors that improve life.
The glossary of terms and definitions of quality management systems gives the following definition: “Quality is the degree of compliance of the set of inherent characteristics of an object with the requirements. Notes: The term “quality” may be used with adjectives, such as bad, good, or excellent; the term “intrinsic”, which is the opposite of the term “assigned,” means existing in the object. ” At the same time, “characteristic” is a distinctive feature. In order to establish the degree of compliance with the requirements, the characteristic must be measured and evaluated in some way.
From this it follows that the QUALITY of a HUMAN LIFE is the degree of satisfaction of a person with himself, his own vital characteristics and the degree of satisfaction with his relatives and society as a whole, since a person lives in society. Then, LIVING LIFE is the quality of life at the present moment relative to the past and the future.
By measuring and evaluating the characteristics that determine our satisfaction, we can manage change for the better and move to a new level of our quality of life. This means that we control what forms our subjective feelings about ourselves and about the world around us. We control the factors that determine the quality of our lives. And what to do next with these definitions? To live a quality, you just need to understand what “quality” is, and learn how to manage the quality of your life. Manage change for the better, pedal the “Quality Bike”. Be effective and happy! Long years of high-quality life!
Ildus Chukmarov